Broadway Avenue,
Avenue, Wallasey, Wirral (with no. 92 pinpointed) (Bing Maps)
McCartney's second home on the corner of
Broadway Avenue and Brookway
At the
time of Paul McCartney's birth in June 1942 his parents Jim and Mary were
living in rented accommodation at 10 Sunbury Road in Anfield, near Liverpool
city centre.
was a nurse and as one would expect, obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene. One
summer's day Paul was sitting in his pram in the garden when Mary was horrified
to find his face flecked with soot. That was reason enough for her to insist
they must move house.

For a
short time, perhaps only a month or so around November 1942 and certainly no
later than the middle of 1943, the
McCartneys moved to this fine semi detached house in Wallasey over on the
they got the house remains a bit of a mystery. Reportedly it was the property
of one of Jim's colleagues at the Cotton Exchange, although with his work there
suspended during the war I wonder how much contact he still had with them.
Other sources, possibly originating from Mike McCartney's book "Thank U
Very Much" suggest that the house came through Jim's wartime work at
Napiers. The job was classified as Air Force making Jim eligible for this
government sponsored house.
reason for their move back over to Liverpool so quickly after arriving in
Wallasey is similarly unclear. From the Wirral it was certainly a lengthy
commute for Jim to the factory on the East Lancashire Road but his work at
Napier's seems to have come to an end around this time and they may have lost
the house as a result (although I think its strange they'd even bother moving
him in for such a short time if this was the case). Another suggestion is that
with a young infant Mary found that she was too far away from family support
and with a second baby on the way from around Spring 1943 the move back over
the Mersey became a necessity.
found work at the Liverpool Corporation cleansing department and the McCartneys
lived for a time with Auntie Gin and her family at Fieldton Road, in the
Croxteth area of Liverpool and, ironically, not far from the East Lancs Road
where Jim had just finished working.
Michael McCartney would arrive in January 1944 by which time Jim had a new job,
and the McCartney's a new home: a bungalow in Roach Avenue, Knowsley.

above image from Google Street view was taken as the McCartney's former home
was having the roof tiles replaced.
A short
distance from Broadway Avenue is the Grosvenor Ballroom in Grosvenor Street
which would become a regular venue for the Beatles in 1960.
McCartney - "Thank U Very Much - Mike McCartney's Family Album"
Street view
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