Harrison's Wavertree
(and John Lennon's too)
The Picton Clock Roundabout and High Street, Wavertree
looking towards Liverpool City Centre
addition to Mark Lewisohn's 'Tune In' Beatles Biography, another book I've
devoured recently is 'The Beatles Liverpool Landscapes' by local author David
Lewis which was published in 2010.

book is presented as a series of walking guides around the areas of the city
most closely related with the Beatles - Woolton, Speke, Allerton, the Dingle
and so on. Acting as a pocket tour guide he takes the reader on a journey
across Liverpool, visiting both the well known places and those much more
obscure, and explores the history of where the Beatles came from and the areas
they knew before the group began, indeed often 'the places that made the
families that made The Beatles' to quote the book blurb. It's not about the
music, it's not even a book about early concert venues because that's all been
done already. David wanted his book to focus on geography and landscape, not
For me
the book is the perfect crossover - Liverpool local history and the Beatles'
place in it. As I wrote in my introduction to this blog, my intention was to
look at both the sites familiar to those undertaking guided Beatles tours
around the city and those unsung or forgotten places that featured in their
pre-group lives, the places that they would have known as children and young
men, the same places my parents would have known and everybody else of their
generation growing up in Liverpool after the Second World War. The places
they'd remember all their lives but were probably never asked to talk about
until writing their biographies in later years (George and Paul) or when
reminiscing during the huge Beatles Anthology project.
book is generously illustrated throughout with many recent photographs taken by
the author alongside older images sourced from Liverpool Records Office that
give a nice historical perspective. There are hundreds of Beatles books on the
market but by writing about the group's origins within the historical context
of their hometown, David has managed to approach the Beatles from a
refreshingly new angle. I urge you to pick this up if you haven't already. It's
certainly inspired me.
'The Beatles Liverpool Landscapes' as my guide I decided to revisit David’s
walks in Relatives and Absolutes, his chapter on the Wavertree area, and take
some photographs along the way. Whilst this part of the city is most closely
associated with George Harrison there are also links to both sides of John
Lennon's family here. I've added some background history of the area to provide
some context to the Beatles related sites.

are plenty of pubs and bars in Wavertree Village should you be in need of
refreshments. The High Street is famous for it's down one side and back up the
other pub crawl, as explained in this poem I saw published in the Liverpool
"About the Area where I was Born"

Harold Citrine, aged 83
So, as
the poem says, let's start this off by the Coffee House pub on Church Road
North, facing the former Abbey Cinema and close to the Picton Clock roundabout.
Coffee House,
Road North

Coffee House, probably Wavertree's oldest surviving pub, is thought to be
around 200 years old and said to have been built on a site previously occupied
by the ancient chapel of Waretree. Apparently in its day the pub was a very
popular venue for day excursions from Liverpool and no doubt some of the more
enthusiastic drinkers ended up in the local lock-up, of which we will see more
By 1900 it was owned by
Liverpool brewer Robert Cain. The interior was the work of architect Walter
Thomas, famous as the interior designer of other Cain's pubs in the city centre
such as the Philharmonic and the Vines.
John Lennon's mother
Julia worked here in mid 1945 shortly after the birth of her second child,
Victoria (see my post Bleak House about the Elmswood maternity home). John was
left in the care of his Grandad 'Pop' Stanley at Newcastle Road, a
short walk down Church Road from the pub. We'll visit Newcastle Road later on this walk.

met John 'Bobby' Albert Dykins here around December 1945.
Dykins was 28, three
years younger than Julia, and described as a good-looking, well-dressed man,
born and bred in the Wavertree area who worked as a door to door salesman ,
demonstrating a gadget for invisible fabric repair.
He enjoyed luxuries, and
had access through the black market to rationed goods like alcohol, chocolate,
silk stockings and cigarettes, which was what initially attracted her.
Predictably, the Stanleys, predominantly Pop and the matriarchal Mimi, disapproved of Julia's new man. They called him a 'Spiv',
because of his pencil-thin moustache, margarine-coated hair, and trilby hat and there was a general consensus that Dykins was of a lower
class than they were, an opinion they seemed to have about any man Julia happened
to like.
In any case, Julia was still legally married to Alf Lennon and had just given birth to another man's daughter who was immediately put up adoption on Pop's insistence. Still grieving over the loss of her child Julia needed some happiness in her life and Dykins was there to provide it when her own family seemed unable or unwilling to.
In any case, Julia was still legally married to Alf Lennon and had just given birth to another man's daughter who was immediately put up adoption on Pop's insistence. Still grieving over the loss of her child Julia needed some happiness in her life and Dykins was there to provide it when her own family seemed unable or unwilling to.

A 1950s photo of Church Road North with a coach from Home James approaching Picton Clock with the Lamb public house on right. The building covered by advertising hoardings still stands on the corner today, now displaying a more sombre message. The bricked up windows are evidence of its original use as a dairy.
from the Coffee House towards Picton Clock you pass the 17th century White
Cottage on the left. while if you look to your right you'll find a lovely art
deco building, formerly the Abbey Cinema.
Road North

Abbey cinema was designed by Alfred Ernest Shennan a respected Liverpool
architect who later became Alderman of the city.
portfolio of local cinemas included the Forum (ABC) on Lime St, The Plaza in
Allerton,The Mayfair in Aigburth and The Curzon in Old Swan. The Abbey is
generally considered to be his finest.
Construction started in
mid-1938 and took 200 men around 9 months to complete.
One of three cinemas
opened in Liverpool just prior to the outbreak of World War II, the Abbey's
first screening was the "Joy of Living" starring Irene Dunne and
Douglas Fairbanks Jr on 4 August 1939.
Facilities included the
serving of coffee throughout the auditorium as well as chocolate, ice cream and
cigarettes, enough for the local press to announce "The perfect cinema at
In October 1943, only
four years after opening, ownership changed hands from "The Regal cinema
Company", the Abbey being sold to local cinema pioneer John F. Wood’s
Bedford Cinema chain. A progressive company always at the forefront with the
latest cinema technology brought patrons the pleasure of film presentations in
3D following the installation of a new wide screen in 1954, and stereoscopic
sound in 1960. In 1964, the most important year in the Abbey's history, it was
closed for conversion into Liverpool's only Cinerama Theatre, costing around
Lennon and Len Garry
Taking a tram or bus in from Woolton to the Penny Lane terminus would bring John Lennon and his mates
within walking distance of the Abbey Cinema.
In 1965, when John
Lennon started composing 'In My Life', his original lyrics contained the verse:
Lane is one I'm missing, up Church Road to the clock tower, in the circle of
the Abbey, I have seen some happy hours.
Those happy hours did
not necessarily refer to the latest cinematic delights.....
It was John's best mate
Pete Shotton who alerted him to the teenage pleasures that could be had with
obliging females in the darkened upper circle of the Abbey.
A week before
John's first brief encounter Pete had bumped into their mutual friend Bill
Turner outside the Abbey and agreed to join him for the matinee performance.
Pete recounts what happened next: This will be a real eye opener for you,
Pete" Bill smirked. It quickly became apparent that the dirty rascal was
hardly referring to the featured film. "Now what we do is this. We go up
to the balcony where there aren't too many people, and pick out two good
lookers sitting together. When the lights go down and the picture starts, we
sit one on each side of them. Then we just put our arms round their shoulders,
and see how much they let us get away with....

"circle of the Abbey" (top left)
According to Pete the
entire procedure worked like a charm.
On his return home he
found John, Ivan Vaughan and Nigel Walley playing on "the tip"* and
excitedly told them of his fly opening experience. Greeted with a disbelieving
chorus of "b@ll@cks!" (or words to that effect) Pete eventually managed
to arouse interest in the trio of doubting John Thomases and persuaded them to
accompany him to the Abbey the following Saturday. Bill Turner was there again, accompanied by
another mate, Len Garry. Working in pairs the six of them spread themselves out
across the balcony to try their hand with some amenable young ladies.
For the most
part this was their first physical contact with ladies of the opposite sex and they
would later consider these anonymous fumblings to be their initiation into manhood. Unsurprisingly they rarely missed a Saturday matinee performance in the months to come.
with age came more regular experience and as Pete would later conclude for all
the cheap thrills John and I had accumulated in the Abbey Cinema, we came to
appreciate that such encounters did, after all, leave something to be desired
in the way of intimacy, comfort and convenience.
(John Lennon In My Life - Pete Shotton and
Nicholas Schaffner, 1983)

George Harrison would
also retain a great fondness for his local cinema. Living in such close
proximity it's no surprise that the Abbey was often the destination for a family outing. He visited on Saturday mornings and even when the Harrisons moved house in 1950 George would still return here to watch the latest movies (Speke
having no cinemas).

would later recall an occasion when he visited the Abbey with John Lennon to
watch ‘Rock Around The Clock’(sic).
During the film they became aware of all the female attention Bill Haley and
his Comets attracted and discussing this as they left the cinema George joked
That’s the type of job I want to have. Unless it was a later re-run, George was
mis-remembering the film because ‘Rock
Around The Clock’ was released in March 1956, nearly two years before he
met John.
consider this quite well known interview clip with John Lennon: I had no idea
about doing music as a way of life until rock n roll hit me. Then when rock n
roll hit me that changed my whole life. You know, you went to see those movies
with Elvis or somebody in it, when we were still in Liverpool. And you'd see
everybody waiting to see him. And I'd be waiting there, too. And they'd all
scream when he came on the screen. So I
thought, "That's a good job."
it was an Elvis film that George remembered watching with John at the Abbey.
When I
was growing up the Abbey was the nearest decent cinema to where I lived in
Childwall and I went there with my parents quite often. I remember watching the
first Superman movie starring Christopher Reeve in 1978 and a re-run of
Disney's Jungle Book to name but two.
as was the case with most of the great picture houses, audience attendances
would decline over the next 20 years. The much loved Abbey Cinema would screen
its final performance, the disaster movie The Towering Inferno on 4 August
Thankfully this fine art
deco building is still standing. Since closure it has seen use as various
supermarkets (the first a branch of Lennons!) and bingo halls.
The Abbey and the Coffee House

Picton Clock Tower and former shelter in the middle of the roundabout
Church Road in Wavertree is unique in Liverpool in that each end is book-ended by a roundabout which was mentioned in a Beatles' lyric. At the junction with Allerton Road is Smithdown Place where you will find the bus shelter immortalised in the song 'Penny Lane'. At the beginning of the High Street, standing on the traffic
Island facing the Abbey and also mentioned in the initial draft of 'In My Life' is the Picton
Clock tower.
in the Pevsner Guide as 'an eclectic renaissance curiosity in brick and stone'
it was presented to the people of Wavertree by the architect and keen local historian Sir James Picton in
1884, who designed it as a memorial to his wife Sarah. He chose the site, at
the centre of the old village, so that the clock could be seen by as many
people as possible.

inscription on the tower reads: Time wasted is existence; used is life which
sounds like something George Harrison would say.
careful if you plan on taking some photographs of the clock up close. David
Lewis beautifully describes the Picton Clock roundabout as inaccessible as a
real island, guarded by dangerous and unpredictable tides (of traffic).
you reach the roundabout, you'll notice the imposing Georgian-style Lamb public
house in front of you.
High Street
The Lamb, with its oak panelled interior was recorded as long ago as 1754. Now a Solicitors office, the present Lamb dates from the 1850s and was built on the site of a smaller pub of the same name.
In the
early nineteenth century, prior to the construction of the town hall, meetings
in Wavertree were advertised as taking place at 'the Sign of the Lamb'.
brick archway on the left led to stables and was used for horse-drawn omnibuses
plying between Wavertree and the centre of Liverpool at a fare of six pence
(beyond the reach of ordinary folk).
the 1930s it became the premises of Home James travel and coach hire which
operated daily tours to popular destinations. The Harrisons would have used
them for a family day out and the memories of such trips would remain with
George. Asked many years later about the inspiration for the Beatles' film
'Magical Mystery Tour' he would say it
was basically a charabanc trip, which people used to go on from Liverpool to
see the Blackpool lights, they'd get loads of crates of beer and an accordian
player and all get pissed**

A 1950s
shot of the High Street, showing the Lamb on the right.
left along the High Street and immediately on your left is a real gem. The shop
at No. 102 has Liverpool's only surviving Georgian bow-fronted window and looks
like something straight out of a Charles Dickens novel. For this reason the
building is Grade II listed, along with the properties on either side. It has
been the home of craftsmen for most of its days. An 1846 map shows it as a
sadler's shop and around the end of the 19th century a cycle manufacturer and
then a boot repairer took over. This then is where the Harrisons came to have
their shoes mended. By 1980 the shop was occupied by Wavertree's last surviving
traditional cobbler and the window was on the verge of disintegration.
Fortunately it was saved and expertly restored by the wood-turner who then
began to sell his wares from the premises.

High Street as a Cobblers in 1918 (above) and Wood-turners in 2015 (below)
noted, Wavertree High Street was famous in Liverpool for its pubs and many
still remain as they were in George’s time with a few newer bars in premises
that had a different function in the 1940’s.
George would later recall these pubs were frequented by his uncles with
bald heads; they'd say they got them by using them to knock pub doors open. In
between were cobblers, butchers, newsagents, the police station and a chandelry
shop ran by Ambrose Danher, the uncle of Mary Mohin, Paul McCartney's mum.
Strongly opposed to her father's second wife, Mary left home at the age of 13
and went to live with her maternal uncle above the shop in the early 1920s.

High Street (1915)
In the
last years of the 1920s George Harrison’s mother Louise French (then 18) was
working as a shop assistant, possibly at a green grocers, somewhere on the High
Street. My research indicates that this may have been a fruit and vegetable
shop belonging to Thomas Topping which once stood to the left of the Lamb until
it was demolished in 1970. Home James' yard extended across the rear of Tom's
shop and behind that was Arnold Grove. Louise only had a short walk down
Frederick Grove to the High Street from her home in the adjacent Albert Grove.
It was
during her time in the shop that she met Harold Harrison. It's said that while he was on shore leave
from the White Star Line he encountered Louise on the High Street just as she
was passing a note of her address to another seaman. Reportedly he grabbed the
note and on a whim asked if he could write to her. “Send us a postcard” she
said. Letters on White Star stationary began arriving at her parents home in
Albert Grove and by the 1930s they were 'courting'.

Harrison's Wavertree (map 1) (click to enlarge)
89 High

Town Hall was built in 1872, originally to house the Wavertree Local Board of
Health by local architect John Elliot Reeve who lived in nearby Sandown Lane.
It served a number of functions over the years but by 1979 it was under threat
of demolition. It received Grade II
listed status and has since operated as a pub, and more recently a restaurant.
Harrison was born ten minutes into 25 February 1943, the fourth child for
Harold and Louise. The following day Harold left Arnold Grove and made the
short trip down Frederick Grove, turning right
along the High Street to the Town Hall where he registered his new son's
birth. It's said that there had been no prior discussion about what to call the
baby, Harry literally deciding en route. When he arrived home Louise asked him
why he'd chosen George. 'If it's good enough for the King it should be good
enough for him' Harold replied.

motto on the town hall - sub umbra floresco - means I flourish in the shade
and unwittingly foreshadows George's
musical development in The Beatles, in his case the 'shade' being the Lennon
and McCartney songwriting team.
The High Street, then and now
The Town Hall is on the left of photo. Next door is the Cock and Bottle pub which today has expanded across two properties and incorporated a third. In the early 20th century it was a temperance hotel.

to the Town Hall, wedged between the Cock and Bottle pub and the Bet Fred, is
95 High Street. Now part of the pub it
was reputedly 'The Smallest House in England'
– 6 feet wide by 14 feet deep with two rooms built around 1850 in a
space which had previously been a side passage. There are stories about the
former occupants which may be more fact than fiction, one concerning a couple
who raised eight children in the house, another about a very large resident who
had to go up the stairs sideways.
It was
still a house when the Harrisons lived in Arnold Grove, surviving as such until
1952 when it was incorporated into the Cock and Bottle.

towards Picton Clock turn left immediately after the Bet Fred into Frederick
Grove. Just after the industrial unit on your right (the former backyard of
Home James) is Arnold Grove. A few
houses along on the right is No. 12, where George Harrison was born.
Arnold Grove is the fourth door from the right on the above photo.
recalled a number of the local landmarks we've seen here when he described
Arnold Grove as a bit like Coronation Street. It was behind the Lamb Hotel in
Wavertree. There was a big art-deco cinema there called the Abbey, and the
Picton clock tower. Down a little cobbled lane was the slaughterhouse, where
they used to shoot horses.
Grove was covered in detail in a previous post which you can read here. My research continues as I try to establish
whether the slaughterhouse was in Frederick Grove or Chestnut Grove which is a
little further on around the corner.
take a closer look at this as I continue my walk through George Harrison's
family history in part two of Relatives and Absolutes which you can read here.
** pissed as in drunk (the British meaning)
John Lennon: In My Life (Pete Shotton and Nicholas Schaffner)
I Me Mine (George Harrison)
The Beatles Liverpool Landscapes (David Lewis)
Anthology (The Beatles)
Picture Palaces of Liverpool (Harold Ackroyd)
** pissed as in drunk (the British meaning)
John Lennon: In My Life (Pete Shotton and Nicholas Schaffner)
I Me Mine (George Harrison)
The Beatles Liverpool Landscapes (David Lewis)
Anthology (The Beatles)
Picture Palaces of Liverpool (Harold Ackroyd)

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