Strawberry Field
Beaconsfield Road
Liverpool 25
John Lennon: There were two famous houses in Woolton. One was owned by
Gladstone: a reformatory for boys, which I could see out of my window, and
Strawberry Field, just around the corner from that, an old Victorian house
converted for Salvation Army orphans.
Field or Fields?
The earliest reference to the Gothic Revival mansion 'Strawberry Field'
dates from 1870, when it was owned by one George Hignett Warren (1819-1912), a
wealthy shipping magnate.
On an 1891 Ordnance Survey map the building and its grounds appear as
the plural 'Strawberry Fields', although this had changed by the 1905 survey.

The will of Mr George Hignett Warren, of Strawberry Field (The Yorkshire
Post and Leeds Intelligencer 12 March 1912)
George Warren's daughter Mary Swire put the mansion up for sale in
1914. The advert below gives a good idea of the amenities within the house and
surrounding grounds.
For sale in the Liverpool Daily Post, listed on 17 and 19 June 1914.
Note it's Strawberry Fields again.
It was acquired by Alexander Cameron Mitchell (1844-1927), another
wealthy merchant who at that time was living in Weston House, Halewood.

The Scotsman 20 January 1920
(it's back to being a Field!)
Mitchell's widow sold the estate to the Salvation Army in 1934, a few
years before her death in 1940.
It was opened as a children's home for young girls on 7 July 1936 by
Lady Bates in the presence of General Evangeline Booth, daughter of the
Salvation Army founder. With a capacity of up to forty girls, boys under 5 were
introduced in the 1950s. Later still, older boys also became resident. The home
took children between the ages of 3 to 16 at which point they would either
return them to their parents or help place them in a job.

Strawberry Field, photographed in 1967
(see reverse of photo at foot of page)
Despite the name on the famous gateposts it continued to be referred to
as Fields in local conversation, in newspapers and by its young residents (and
even in some Salvation army paperwork).
This was not a borstal - these were not bad kids and, contrary to John
Lennon’s belief, they were not generally orphans – the children were there for
the mistakes their parents had made (from what you'd call 'broken homes' back
then) and the home gave them a refuge from turmoil and unhappiness for nearly
70 years.
As a result the children were never locked in. The gates to the road
were always open and everybody attended local schools and were free to come and
go in the local area. The children called themselves 'Strawbs' and were a
familiar site in Woolton village.

In ‘Tune In’ author Mark Lewisohn writes that it may have been because
of her sister Julia’s past predicaments that Mimi supported the Salvation
Army’s residence for children from broken homes, after all, she had such a
child living with her at ‘Mendips’.
I’d be interested to know whether Mark based this on comments made by
Mimi later in her life, when she was guilty to some extent of re-writing her
history, especially where John was concerned.
It’s true that she took John to the annual garden fete at Strawberry
Field, telling the author Hunter Davies (after the release of the Beatles’ 1967
single) that 'as soon as we could hear the Salvation Army Band starting, John
would jump up and down shouting "Mimi, come on. We're going to be late” so
yes, she supported the home to some extent by buying the tickets, but what did
she really think of the children who lived there?
According to John Lennon’s cousin, Stanley Parkes:
We would sneak over to the Salvation Army Home grounds through the back
of ‘Mendips’ to play with the children of the Home, much to the annoyance of
Mimi. She thought we should not mix with ‘those kind of children.

John Lennon, 8, with his cousin Stanley Parkes, 15
Some sources will tell you that the phrase ‘nothing to get hung about’
in the song ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ were inspired by Mimi’s orders not to
play in the grounds, to which John would reply ‘They can’t hang you for it’.
For me, I think that’s a bit of a stretch, the result of a later author's
creative thinking, but who knows?
Regardless of Mimi’s views, John continued to play in the grounds of
Strawberry Field, either with Stanley when he was home, or with his gang – Pete
Shotton, Nigel Walley and Ivan Vaughan.
They’d climb over the sandstone wall in Vale Road, sneaking through the
bushes and keeping an eye out for the ‘cocky watchman’* - Mr Blaine the
gardener who lived in the house behind woods, hated trespassers and would give
John and his gang a good hiding, if only he could catch them.
As he grew older John continued going to the annual fete, Mimi replaced
by his mates. At one fete in 1955 or 1956 he managed to obtain a monk’s cowl
(with hood) and wandering amongst the cake stalls, jumble sales and brass bands
he dispensed holy mutterings while respectful Wooltonians bowed to him, much to
the delight of Nige Walley who cherishes the memory to this day.
The release of the Beatles’ single ‘Penny Lane’ / ‘Strawberry Fields
Forever’ in early 1967 drew attention from the press with several papers
sending photographers to Woolton.
One of the photos resulting from the sudden interest was this well
known photo. I’ve looked at it on and off over the years and wondered who the
young lad with the tired eyes was. What was his name and what became of him?
Quite unexpectedly as a result of the photo being posted on Facebook I
suddenly had a name for him, together with a lovely little anecdote that links
both sides of the Beatles’ single.
Mel Wold: This boys’ name is Francis Foster. I was in Strawberry Field
children’s home at the same time. I was there from 1962 - 1972. We also had our
hair cut by the girls of Bioletti’s at Penny Lane. They used to come to the
home. I was only ever in this house and not the new built one, although I did
visit the new home. Many memories. I used to go to Childwall C of E school and
then Gateacre Comp(rehensive).
Bioletti’s was of course ‘the barber showing photographs’ in Penny Lane
where John and Paul had their hair cut as children.
Francis Foster where are you now? I hope you had a good life.
When John returned to Liverpool in June 1969 he took his new wife Yoko
to visit the children at Palmerston special school, situated opposite the gates
to Strawberry Field. It’s easy to imagine him crossing Beaconsfield Road for a
moment with Yoko, pausing at the gates leading up to the big house and showing
her the place where he used to go to escape.
Of course, he never returned although there are stories that he had
planned to visit the UK (and Liverpool in 1981). Had he done so he would have
been dismayed to find the old mansion had gone.
By 1973 the structural problems, including dry rot, meant that it was
more cost effective to demolish the building and replace it with a new,
purpose-built children's home. This new home provided three family units, each
accommodating 12 children. The driveway entrance to the building was moved
further west up Beaconsfield Road so the gateposts bearing the name 'Strawberry
Field' were no longer used.
Throughout the 1970s and especially post 1980, the disused entrance and
its gates became a mecca for Beatles fans from around the world. As a result,
the gates continued to be painted bright red and the painted nameplates were
also maintained in the face of continual vandalism from visitors who feel the
need to write messages all over them.
The children's home finally closed in early January 2005, and the
building was used by the Salvation Army as a church and prayer centre. The
famous gates marking its entrance were removed and replaced with replicas in
May 2011.
The second building on site from the 1970s, after closure (Liverpool
The Salvation Army is planning to open Strawberry Field to the public
for the first time, allowing visitors to explore the grounds. The demolition of
the 1970’s buildings has made space for a new training centre for young people
with special educational needs, and a new exhibition space dedicated to the
story of the place and the song "Strawberry Fields Forever".
For decades Strawberry Field offered a place of safety and sanctuary
for some of Merseyside’s most at risk children and young people. Now we are
writing a new chapter in the history of this iconic site which will see the
lives of so many more young people transformed for the better’
Major Ray Irving, Territorial Social Services Secretary, The Salvation
And as for the Reformatory home for bad boys?
Stanley Parkes: The Bad Boys Borstal also intrigued us. That was housed
in the former house and Stables that had belonged to Gladstone, the Prime
Minister from Liverpool. It was situated just down the road from ‘Mendips’.
Contrary to Stanley’s memories the house did not belong to the Prime
Minister. The owner, Robert Gladstone, was actually a second cousin of Prime
Minister William Ewart Gladstone.
That’s not to downplay his own achievements. Robert Gladstone was an
important Liverpool merchant, Chairman of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board,
freeman of the city and a founder of Liverpool University. Gladstone dock on
the Mersey was named after him.
Gladstone’s house, named 'Woolton Vale' was built in 1869 on the site
of an old tavern called the ‘Folly Vale Tavern’. At the time the house was
built the road was part of Vale Road, which was actually called Folly Vale Lane
until 1870. Menlove Avenue did not yet exist.

Menlove Avenue on 3rd May 1924 showing 'Woolton Vale' reform school on
the left.
The Menlove Avenue dual carriageway was constructed in 1910. In the
photo the new tram tracks are being laid which extended the tram system from
Calderstones to Woolton High Street along this route.
As you can see in the photo above, the pavement on Menlove Avenue
actually passed under Gladstone's former mansion. Pedestrians walked through a
tunnel excavated below the billiard room.
Woolton Vale (according to one book it was officially the 'Woolton
Country School for Boys' although I’ve found nothing to verify this) could
accommodate 36 boys, some as young as seven years old, inner city kids who were
there for various misdemeanours such as theft, anti-social behaviour and even
Brian Fitzsimmons: It was a remand home, a children’s home for naughty
children. My Dad pointed this out to me years ago while he was teaching me to
drive. Little did I know he and his brother were inmates and were given the
birch while they were there. I think this was during the war years.
David Dutton: I used to live near there as a child. I remember my
mother telling me that is where I would end up if I was naughty! More recently,
I've met some former residents and apparently it was a brutal regime there.
Unlike the children at Strawberry Fields, these boys were certainly not
free to come and go as they pleased, though some tried. Wearing the regulation
brown shirt and short pants escapees were easily identified.
Stanley Parkes: We used to chase after the boys whenever any of them
escaped and went jumping all over our neighbours garden fences trying to get
away. Mimi nearly had a fit whenever we attempted to chase after them. We were
not to associate with such criminals!
Given her apparent lack of sympathy for the unfortunate children in
Strawberry Field you can imagine Mimi's view on the bad boys in Woolton Vale.
It's likely the warnings David Dutton received from his Mum were echoed in
No doubt Mimi shared the view of many Woolton locals who feared they
would encounter gangs of marauding delinquents mugging, robbing and terrorising
the neighbourhood. Little did Mimi know she already had one living under her
roof. Though there are no recorded
incidents of John Lennon mugging anyone he was certainly 'notorious around the
village' according to one resident (my Dad).
There were certainly problems with security at Woolton Vale. It was
mentioned in the Liverpool Echo on 21 December 1966 and again on 5 July 1967
following a report which found that the present Liverpool Remand home at
Woolton Vale was quite inadequate....(in future) security would be manned 24
hours a day and maximum security arrangements.
Living in such close proximity to these two establishments it’s easy to
imagine that John, himself the product of a broken home, taken into care by his
Aunt because his parents were unable or unwilling to look after him felt an
affinity with the rejected, unloved, emotionally damaged children whenever he
encountered them.
The system of remand homes and approved schools was abolished under the
Children and Young Person Act 1969 and the philosophy behind the legislation
represented a radical re-think of society's attitudes to problem children. (i.e
that many offences committed by children were caused by a difficult home life
or other social problems).
The act recognised that many children were sinned against rather than
sinners**, something John Lennon had probably known all his life.

The site of 'Woolton Vale' today on Menlove Avenue. The tunnel was just
beyond the tree in the foreground.

Quotes taken from Liverpool Old Photo Gallery.
Stanley Parkes quotes from an interview with Bill Harry.
* '"cocky watchman', alternatively John called him the 'cocky
** Liverpool Echo 18 August 1977
Reverse of the B/W press photo

Another fascinating and brilliant post. Lewisohn mentioned Woolton Vale and the fact that the Menlove avenue footpath passed through the front of the house. I tried to visualise how this worked with no great success, but thanks to the photo it now makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThanks James
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Great post!
ReplyDeleteHi about Frank Foster, I new Frank for over 40 years and we served together in the Royal Artillery he did over 25 years man and boy and retired as a WO2 (Warrant Officer). He then had a bar in Tenerife (Planet Football bar in San Eugenio) see:""
ReplyDeleteConrad Frank Forster pass away at 62 the big C got him. He was given a great send off by all his old comrades and friends and is buried near a grassy glade in a wood in Doncaster.
We miss him loads he was a great friend and a first class Artilleryman and the world is a sadder place without him. "UBIQUE"
I also new Frank for around 40 years, he had actually come back home to Liverpool to live.
ReplyDeleteHe died peacefully at the Marie Curie Hospice in Woolton, so it was fitting that he returned to the same area where the picture was taken outside Strawberry Field.
I lived at 94 Vale road as a child.. 1967-84 . i remember my Mum calling the Police when the remand escapees jumped our back fence. we used to go choo choo as we ran thro the tunnel under the remand home. I remember the rows of tiny sinks in the washroom at Strawberry Field when we went to the garden parties. Remand home closed around 1981 i recall breaking in and rooting around, and it had a most unpleasant vibe to it.
ReplyDeleteI spent many a time in menlove and was a escapee.Aswell as a remand centre in the 70s it was also an assessment centre..So kids who were waiting to go to court and once been to court and given a care order,taken back to menlove to be assessed to which care home you went too.I went to st George's in fresh field.. I hated it there,it was brutal,run by bullies,paedeos. There was a cell in the front by the front door,took many a hiding in there...So you can see why there where runners.St George's was no better,that was run by paedophiles too.
ReplyDeleteI was resident at Strawberry Field from 1963 to 1965 and remember Mr Blaine, the Gardner, as a decent man, always ok with us. Coming home from school (Much Woolton), instead of heading for the main gate, we would take a shortcut, climbing over the wall at the far rear of the land and head in through the rear of the old house. Mr Blaina, if he spotted us, would say he would report us, but obviously having friendly banter, as he never did. Have many good memories of my time there, although one or two, not so good.
ReplyDeleteI spent three occasions at Menlove Remand home. All were in 1959. The place was a nightmare,
ReplyDeleteI done the bunk twice, when captured was given six of the cane across the bare bottom/legs.
Left big wealds. Ages ranged from about 8 to 16 years old. Slept in dormitories. Spent a couple
of days in the top room - no chair, no table, bare room. At night-time, lots of rape (and other stuff) went on, mainly by the bigger inmates against the smaller ones. The worse one came from Scotland Road, "Bernie" was his first name, a right brutal paedophile. One morning, about 4 a.m I was dragged out of bed, made to get washed and dressed, then I was taken by a Social Worker worker in his car, handcuffed all the way, even on the ferry, to St Swithins Approved School on the Isle of Wight. I done the bunk from there a few times too, eventually got across the Solent, was soon caught and put on remand in Winchester prison. Got attacked by some loony, went to Winchester Assizes, and sentenced to 2 years of Borstal Training, was taken to Wormwood scrubs prison in London for assessment, then taken to Everthorpe Borstal in Yorkshire. Regrets? I regret not going to school like my mates.